April 30, 2004

a siang-ish weekend approaches..
TICK TocK tiCk TOcK TicK ToCk TiCK toCK
i Don'T CaRe EvEN iF I aM TyPinG LyK tHiS!
BEcAusE I aM haPpy aNd HappY PeOplE dO StuPiD thIngS!
If You'Re HAppY anD yOu KnoW it ClaP YouR hAndS
mUaHahAhaHAhaha (((((((:
(okay but i'm tired of typing in alternate caps. makes me wonder how some people
can actually do it and enjoy doing it. tskkk... *rolls eyes* muahahhas.. something i'm
against but if you're my friend, it's overlooked muahhahas.. biasness)

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