April 20, 2004

nicoll highway crashed today. absolutely tragic. thankfully it didn't crash during peak hours.
can you imagine how many lives would be taken if it came tumbling down at 5.30pm?
londonsingapore bridge is falling down....

tanning tmr wid dee dee darling..then gng out gng out! *nudge nudge* heehee.
i hope it'll be a sunny yummy honey day so that i'll get slightly browner again.
heehee.. i feel like a stubborn pie that refuses to turn golden brown.. anemic pie? aie.. tskk

last night i dreamt that ezdi and i never managed to get our tan..
somehow we got lost along the way to sentosa, and by the time we reached sentosa,
storm clouds were gathering... HUGe monster waves were splashin and..
argh.. rubbish.....

//she stood before the toilet bowl
and regurgitated that sinful BK meal
that oil soaked food in her tummy
made her sick within.
mentally. eeeewwwww.

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