April 30, 2004

a siang-ish weekend approaches..
TICK TocK tiCk TOcK TicK ToCk TiCK toCK
i Don'T CaRe EvEN iF I aM TyPinG LyK tHiS!
BEcAusE I aM haPpy aNd HappY PeOplE dO StuPiD thIngS!
If You'Re HAppY anD yOu KnoW it ClaP YouR hAndS
mUaHahAhaHAhaha (((((((:
(okay but i'm tired of typing in alternate caps. makes me wonder how some people
can actually do it and enjoy doing it. tskkk... *rolls eyes* muahahhas.. something i'm
against but if you're my friend, it's overlooked muahhahas.. biasness)

April 29, 2004

Baby you're my Sugar Rush
I get weak and talk too much
You're the sweetest thing I ever tasted
some things just stick out like a sore thumb.
try as you may,
you can't ignore it.
they're like splinters..
you can choose to ignore it
and continue to let it bug you
but sooner or later, the splinter will cause your skin to swell
and that's when you can't tolerate anymore,
and you decide to remove it.
and then again,
you could trash all the initially tolerance,
take a twizzer
and pluck it out.

took a walk to sort my thoughts out.
westmall to home.
walking in the rain with the cars zooming past...
it would have been wonderful time with myself
if the following things didn't happen
*a man was following me for more than 1/4 of my journey..freaked me out
*my sandals went missing in the puddles of water
and i had to search for it like a stupid fool
*a frog jumped onto my leg
*...and jumped off my leg onto the road, where it got run over by a car
*a bangalah was peeing under my block. FUCKER.

i chose the latter
if you mean what you say,
then show me that you love me.
it's not about what I want.
it's about what i mean to you.

April 27, 2004

i'm thoroughly burnt.
i look like a bright red lobster now. hungry anyone? lol.
i hope the redness goes away by friday..
otherwise i can foresee some evil dear giving me another food name..
first bai chang chee or whatever you call it...some white chicken or something
i dun want to imagine another name hoho

//splats more aloe vera on face

went to look at guinea pigs today...
one fine guinea pig in singapore will be Bubbles!!!
shall drop by holland v to take a look at all the cuties...
anyone wanna go wid glory? plss? *pouts*

quin's sms yesterday was hilarious
"ms leo was tellin those not runnin...see quin now so fat..last time so slim"
hahahahas...you're nt fat kay u're SExyyyyyyyyy muacks muacks sexay baby
*pokes quin for poking me so much in her blog*
i'm poking away 50% of your non-existant fats...
the other 50% for me to hug one LOL...

i'm addicted to hot fudge sundae!!!
but dear i love you more than i love my hot fudge sundae!
maybe after today i'll learn not to skip warm up before running.
pulled my calve (i can't spell damnit) muscle and it hurts.
i'm running out of clothes to wear..
or rather, i'm running out of things i LOVE to wear.
apparently i keep wearing and re-wearing the same few things.
but nevermind. it's a fact. i have no clothes.

April 26, 2004

i'm bored.
siang says i don't blog about him
so this is a shout out to siang
i'm blogging for you!
let's see...
siang's in whisky.
siang's buddy is weiwang from o2a2
siang's bald..quote unquote "looking like a dickhead"
siang's phone batt's left with two bars
siang's living on the 5th floor
okay, i duno what else.
and so you see siang, your name appeared EIGHT times in
one entry.. tht's 800%
and that is how much i miss you

that's all folks.

April 25, 2004

i didn't see him die.
his tiny self was cold and stiff when i picked him up
his eyes half closed
no more tiny heart beat
the part time servant said he was struggling and moving his paws frantically.
and he screamed three times...
poor darling...he must have been suffering..
and all this while, i was in deep slumber.
i should have played with him for a longer time ytd night after his bath.
should have sat in front of the cage longer before i went to slp
should have woken up earlier this morning to say hi to it...
i placed him in a pretty cup,
and buried him downstairs,
outside my room window.
then i can glance out once in a while,
and look at where he was buried
and remember him.
31.10.2002 - 25.04.2004
a beautiful life, short-lived.

Cheezeball's with angels now.
probably with a halo too, for being such a good hamster on earth.

April 24, 2004

guangrong is sick. he's suspected of having dengue fever.
this afternoon, my mum said i'm a lousy friend because i didn't visit guangrong
like, okayyyyyyyyyyyyy...
he won't die just because he's having fever wad!
not like anyone visits me when i'm sick and whiny and baby-ish...
cheeky monkeys was certainly CHEEKY.
i'm half blind with a bloodshot red eye.
how now brown cow?
i can't see with my right eye.

April 23, 2004

edzi's birthday today.
babe! u're 19!!
can't wait to see u later..

April 22, 2004


//Funny how I feel more myself with you
Than anybody else that I ever knew
I hear it in your voice, see it in your face
You've become the memory I can't erase

You could have been anyone at all
A stranger falling out of blue
I'm so glad it was you

Wasn't in the plan not that I could see
Suddenly a miracle came to me
Safe within your arms I can say what's true
Nothing in the world I would keep from you

You could have been anyone at all
An old friend calling out of blue
I'm so glad it was you

Words can hurt you if you let them
People say them and forget them
Words can promise words can lie
But your words make me feel like I can fly

You could have been anyone at allAnd let that catches me when I fall
I'm so glad it was you

Dear, i love you.

April 20, 2004

i've just realised that my blog entries are becoming blonde.
perhaps i need to put some thought before typing. sigh.
i need to go back to school.. to put my brain at use.
it's getting mouldy.
algae, fungus, growing all over.
nicoll highway crashed today. absolutely tragic. thankfully it didn't crash during peak hours.
can you imagine how many lives would be taken if it came tumbling down at 5.30pm?
londonsingapore bridge is falling down....

tanning tmr wid dee dee darling..then gng out gng out! *nudge nudge* heehee.
i hope it'll be a sunny yummy honey day so that i'll get slightly browner again.
heehee.. i feel like a stubborn pie that refuses to turn golden brown.. anemic pie? aie.. tskk

last night i dreamt that ezdi and i never managed to get our tan..
somehow we got lost along the way to sentosa, and by the time we reached sentosa,
storm clouds were gathering... HUGe monster waves were splashin and..
argh.. rubbish.....

//she stood before the toilet bowl
and regurgitated that sinful BK meal
that oil soaked food in her tummy
made her sick within.
mentally. eeeewwwww.

April 19, 2004

siang called my office today..went through the telephone operator and all
he's full of surprises
i'm amused everyday
tsk tsk *winks*

i feel holland-v-ish..
anybody wants to go thr for a cuppa coffeee or two? no????????????
nt tmr though...gym after wrk. tsk.. growing phat!

stupid person called to make enquries today
him: "were you the person i talked to just now?"
me: "yes...i think i was..."
him: "oh what a small world"
(glory rolls eyes)
him: "i didn't catch your name..."
me: "i'm glory... yar.."
him: "do you think you could give me your number?"
me: "huh! no..?!"
him: "why? you sound so sweet.."
me: "sugar's sweet too. even sweeter maybe. why don't you get sugar's number?"
him: "okaaayyy then would u like my number?"
me: "no."

the other instance, Chewy gets bothered by an ns guy for 50 minutes, and consecutively for
3 days.

quote, unquote,
your workplace like chatline leyyyy...

April 18, 2004

it feels awfully awfully good to be pampered.

April 17, 2004

i blogged quite abit but i decided to edit the whole entry and type a more proper entry.
i'm freezing now in the study room coz the air con's blowing down on me, and behind me,
there's the fan spinning spinning.

i just got home from a nice yummy run and some cycling. told dad that it's time to change a bicycle
coz it's old and rusty. even bangladeshies of taman jurong have better bicycles than this biodegrading
piece of rusty metal hehehe.. am i poorer than a blangladeshie? oh yes i am actually...i mean, even a
blangladeshie has more than $102.84 in their bank account.

pasta with celest today was yummalicious. lots and lots of cheese + more cheese + much more cheese.
aie, that woman is so "nua" nowadays. woman!! what happened to u sey? *pokes*
pasta is delicious yet sinful. i'm fat and growing fatter and it bothers me very very much.
i need to run more... maybe i shld stop going out with people and visiting ezdi at her shop so that
i can get home early to run more.

thought i'd need some pampering considering that no one actually pampers me.
got myself a bottle of yummy strawberry body scrub from body shop.
i think i'm going to end up eating myself up hohoho.. oh yes. maybe i can eat myself up and eat my
own fats away as well...isn't that good? hohoho...

hmmm i tanned abit at gil's country club today.. and yes swam abit too..
why can't i seem to get dark? can somebody tell me? i want to get dark. like real dark?

oh yes.. and did i mention i'm 50 cents richer today?
finished my running and cycling just now, and i found a shining coin in the ground.
ok cheap thrill.

going running with baby bren tmr morning.. looks like i gotta slp early tonight
hee hee.. the idea of running in the morning puts a smile in my face.
the sunshine..the crisp air (okay damnit singapore has no fresh air ok? but whatever)...

someone's not at home again...
i'm boredddddddd i'm bored i'm bored i'm bored.

1.24am. my eye lids can't stay more than a cm open but i'm still online.
i wonder why.
i think it's a bad habit, staying awake till i'm totally knocked out.
time to do some "corrective work order".
slp early and wake up early.
hehe.. someone has to learn to do that too doesn't he?
*nudge nudge*
ok i shall force myself to sleep now.
nights (again) world.
glory is a happy girl today.
plaza sing. into the mirror. bus ride. clarke quay. train ride. the walk home.
*grin grin grin*
i'm tired tired tired tired
time to sleep!
nights world.

April 16, 2004

la dee daaa.. finally got my lazy ass out of my house to run today...
i wish i could quit my job and slack around the house.. why must i work?!!
*pokes myself* u gong... for money! what else?
my maggi mee's been staring at me for an hour plus, and why? because i'm waiting for someone to
come and feed me hehehe.. what rubbish are u uttering glory!
hmm hmms.. movie tomorrow... i wonder with who!!? hahahas..
*bounces around*

April 15, 2004

i'm a little mad these daysssssss.
hello people!
quin: just read ur blog. did well for maths test? *pats on back* great job! heehee.. (:
*growls* off to work in half an hour's time.. but in the mean while.. it's munchie on my cereal...
why can't they put MORE raisins in my great grains? roarrrrr...
the things you do just makes me smile.
i've never felt this way before.
i don't know what this is getting to
and yes, u got it right, i'm afraid.
so many questions in my head,
of which i have no answers to.
but at least now i'm clear of what you are thinking
u've touched me..made me melt inside...
you've gotten to me like no one else has.
you're the sweetest person i've ever known.

April 13, 2004

my brain is mal-functioning
just random thoughts yes.
*my back hurts
*something's wrong with my eye.. it's red again
*i hate it when my parents wash my white clothes along with 123792085465861230 other colored clothes.
*i've got nice new shades. ezdi too.
*i'm a teen ween bit darker... more tanning to go
*my handphone bill for this month will go bust.
prolly some part of it will go like "20478501239492789572 sms sent"
*re-painting my nails tonight
*met nad
*kill momo
*quin how's ur ulcer on ur lip
*shihan, tanning again this weekend yes? (or maybe no depending on my recovery)
*ezdi just named herself "SWEETS" in my handphone
*i wish i activated my gprs, then i'd be able to receive that forever friends msg from you
*PEople should stop speculating. ROar.
*shihan probably hates my "under the sea" msg ringtone
*work tomorrow. damn.
*i wonder what on earth you're doing
*how's the bestfriend?

rights.. my brain is really messy now.

yay yay yay.. it's a TUESday...skipped work today which finally means i get to tan!
mr sun sun, pls pls be yummy dummy and shiny today coz i luv luv luv you so much? yes??
been getting home real late these days...i better get home early today before my parents blow.
la dee daa... i <3 visitin dee dee at her shop..feels like paradise.. in my own lil corner of the world.
movie ytd and supper wid the three of em...
so 11+pm-ish, three wonderful people, lots of nice finger-lickin mouth-slurping food, and newton hawker centre.
aieeee. talk about bein tired. i am tired! but i'm loving this exhaustion..at least my brains are too tired to think.
i'm not thinking anymoreeeeeeee!!!! ahahhahsssss...so i know not what i am doing. thank you very much.

April 11, 2004

gym with the two silly colleagues, followd by a really yakkaty yak yak night.
glory was real yakky ytd.
talks with ed.! and chongming and siang...
didn't get to slp till 5am in the morning. roarrr...no wonder i'm feeling so so tired today.
kept dozing off all over the place...in the bus, watching tv, and whatevers.
went out wid the bestfriend today to catch a movie. scooby doo 2.
yes, such a lame movie but the black boy wanted to watch it, so. yeap.
anyhows i enjoyed myself..hehe..
and i'm silently happy that he's out of course.
no more commando! *jumps around*
sheeeeeshhh... glory u little bitch. heh.
going dwn for a run soon. i ate lots and lots of "har gao" and prawnsie stuff today.
going to be a dinosaur soon. ROAR.

April 09, 2004

*went to the gym with ezdi. and it was lyk, yayyy fun!
*shopping in town before we bumped into quin + momo.
results rxn: OH FUCK haahahahaa..
*liquid room with the babes. we were on e guest list! so no queues for us ya. hehe
nice ambience, great DJ, yummy malibu pineapple
(: wonderful night
ay, and some stupid things, but ay, what's in the club's in the club yes??? no?
aie, anything anything!
all the sins washed away la ahahahhaha
*quin + damai stayed over. mai totally stinked up my bed wid her DIRTY clothes. ROAR!

*went dwn to raffles marina to watch e touch games wid ezdi+damai+quin
MY JUNIORS ARE CHAMPIONS! yes, like finally. i've been waiting for this day man.
nearly cried when sari scored tt try during sudden death. the scene was so tense...
could even feel those babes losing their cool already. ROAr..i want to see them do it again during
nationals. ROARRRRRrrrr.....
*i'm b-u-r-n-t.

April 07, 2004

chewing on a big crunchy pink apple (:
ran over to shihan's place...her room's still as messy as ever!
but she bought pretty stufF! *jealous*
//crunches on big yummy apple.. (:
yawns chongming get out of camp soon can? there's no one for me to pester when u're in camp. i love to irritate you more than i love to irritate the hell out of my brother. i miss seeing you and making you look feel stupid and silly. and although you talk to everyone else more than me and u go out with everyone else more often than with me and i get jealous and cry and cry and make alot of noise and whine and kick a big fuss out of everything .

o damai + quin just called.
temz temz tomorrow! yayyyy...

shheesh. totally out of point!
as i was sayinggggg....
...and kick a big fuss out of everything, i still want you to come out and talk to meee! chongming chongming chongming get ur butt out of commando camp. don't fight for glory and honor anymore lar.. go tekong and fight terrorists k? *pouts*
i'm getting very bored at home, even with the computer xbox tv digicam lots of food hamster
the runs are getting boring too.
(ytd was a lil' more fun though. this irritating guy with big ego
just HAD to run a LITTLE MORE than me..if i don't stop, he won't stop.. ass!)
i need:-
*a after 5pm job on weekdays
*a weekend job
*a good solid tan
*the black adidas bag
*the sarah mclanclan afterglow
*new flip flops
*NEW SPECS preferably the rimless levi's specs frame heheh

i'm damn bored now.
does anyone need me to take their dog for walks?

April 06, 2004

finally decided to buy it after such a very long time.
yes, 3 years, IS a long time.

reminds me of her.

//those tears,
those cruel cold stares.
i don't want it to happen again *shudders*
twice is enough.
so it'll just be
u and ur netball
and our oh-i-didn't-have-anything-to-do phonecalls (:

April 03, 2004

can somebody pls slap me awake?
each day passes, and i'm still in a daze.
i'm stuck in my own time capsule.
and yes,
the other day, i thought it was wed when it's supposed to be thur.
dee dee + nad shld rmb.
today still feels like wednesday.
i fear weekends.
and don't we all know why.

i went for an eye check up at singapore poly's optometry centre this morning.
spent 2.5 hrs sitting in the chair. checking the oh-so-blind-glory.
aparently i have very unusual eyes.
quoted "one in two hundred people" have problems lyk mine.
haahaa! i'm SPECIAL kay?
new specs coming my way. ho ho ho (:
think my parents will agree to it la dee daa.

i've got a new flik-flak watch.
thanks to maybank rewards.
it's baby blue, with 8 little white geese.

the bestfriend pops today! yeay!
hmmm. not like u'd be reading this anw, but ya, congrats! (:

April 02, 2004

glory to daddy: "daddy! do u want to go down and run wid me today?"

daddy: "okayyyy..." turns around, walks to bed and sleeps.
i heard someone's going to get $60 bucks for answering highway code questions.
i want that kinda money too!
//tugs momo
it's easy money man

and moomoocow.
i'm going to KILL YOU.
u didn't answer ANY of my calls for the past duno how many days.
how could u!
sob sobs.

April 01, 2004

oh and did i mention i lost my keys?
okay i think i did.
my keys.. my darlin keys wid my favourite keychain..
the one i've been using since primary five...
my ears can't fuckin stop itching.
whatever it is that keeps irritatin my ears,
u've won! my ears are HURTING!
are you happy now?
so get the hell outta my ears!!!!

okay and if the soft approach works better for you,
oh preety plaaaaaaaallllessssssssseee.. can u let me off?
u're gorgeous today.
my ears are too low class for u.

okay and hello people!
glory is sick of trying to be fair
escapades from mr sunshine rays
and the "no! i dun wanna go tan!" speeches.
does anyone wanna go soak in the sun?
shuddup celest. i know u're fuggin laughin at me! bitch!!!! =p

and shoot me.
i lost my entire bunch of keys.
either i dropped them in the cab this morning,
or in my office.
plah. i'm prayin hard that it's in the office.

okies shall blog more laters.
off to run wid my baby brenda.
la dee daa.. i miss that little baby.
*hops around*