April 01, 2004

my ears can't fuckin stop itching.
whatever it is that keeps irritatin my ears,
u've won! my ears are HURTING!
are you happy now?
so get the hell outta my ears!!!!

okay and if the soft approach works better for you,
oh preety plaaaaaaaallllessssssssseee.. can u let me off?
u're gorgeous today.
my ears are too low class for u.

okay and hello people!
glory is sick of trying to be fair
escapades from mr sunshine rays
and the "no! i dun wanna go tan!" speeches.
does anyone wanna go soak in the sun?
shuddup celest. i know u're fuggin laughin at me! bitch!!!! =p

and shoot me.
i lost my entire bunch of keys.
either i dropped them in the cab this morning,
or in my office.
plah. i'm prayin hard that it's in the office.

okies shall blog more laters.
off to run wid my baby brenda.
la dee daa.. i miss that little baby.
*hops around*

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