April 27, 2004

i'm thoroughly burnt.
i look like a bright red lobster now. hungry anyone? lol.
i hope the redness goes away by friday..
otherwise i can foresee some evil dear giving me another food name..
first bai chang chee or whatever you call it...some white chicken or something
i dun want to imagine another name hoho

//splats more aloe vera on face

went to look at guinea pigs today...
one fine guinea pig in singapore will be Bubbles!!!
shall drop by holland v to take a look at all the cuties...
anyone wanna go wid glory? plss? *pouts*

quin's sms yesterday was hilarious
"ms leo was tellin those not runnin...see quin now so fat..last time so slim"
hahahahas...you're nt fat kay u're SExyyyyyyyyy muacks muacks sexay baby
*pokes quin for poking me so much in her blog*
i'm poking away 50% of your non-existant fats...
the other 50% for me to hug one LOL...

i'm addicted to hot fudge sundae!!!
but dear i love you more than i love my hot fudge sundae!

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