April 25, 2004

i didn't see him die.
his tiny self was cold and stiff when i picked him up
his eyes half closed
no more tiny heart beat
the part time servant said he was struggling and moving his paws frantically.
and he screamed three times...
poor darling...he must have been suffering..
and all this while, i was in deep slumber.
i should have played with him for a longer time ytd night after his bath.
should have sat in front of the cage longer before i went to slp
should have woken up earlier this morning to say hi to it...
i placed him in a pretty cup,
and buried him downstairs,
outside my room window.
then i can glance out once in a while,
and look at where he was buried
and remember him.
31.10.2002 - 25.04.2004
a beautiful life, short-lived.

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