April 29, 2004

some things just stick out like a sore thumb.
try as you may,
you can't ignore it.
they're like splinters..
you can choose to ignore it
and continue to let it bug you
but sooner or later, the splinter will cause your skin to swell
and that's when you can't tolerate anymore,
and you decide to remove it.
and then again,
you could trash all the initially tolerance,
take a twizzer
and pluck it out.

took a walk to sort my thoughts out.
westmall to home.
walking in the rain with the cars zooming past...
it would have been wonderful time with myself
if the following things didn't happen
*a man was following me for more than 1/4 of my journey..freaked me out
*my sandals went missing in the puddles of water
and i had to search for it like a stupid fool
*a frog jumped onto my leg
*...and jumped off my leg onto the road, where it got run over by a car
*a bangalah was peeing under my block. FUCKER.

i chose the latter
if you mean what you say,
then show me that you love me.
it's not about what I want.
it's about what i mean to you.

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