just got back from touch chalet. totally shagged from all tt photo takin and laughing and water drinking (yikes). the second night was swt and peaceful (if not for the fuggin invasion of the roach). all the talks and updating... it's a nice feelin which i haven't felt for a lng time. seems like quite alot of things hv been happenng for all e touch girls. aie, boys suck. it was awhile ago when i remembered saying that i'd dis-associate myself from them after JC life is over but, after all that msn-ing n talks in touch chalet, aiee... i take back my words.
i don't know what to call them. do i treat them as my friends? or do i just treat them as teammates? when do u call a person a friend? is every person that has entered my life at some point of time considered a friend? why is it tt i make such a distinct effort to call my classmates, CLASSMATES. maybe my expectations for a Friend is too high. the touch girls.. are somehow more than just TEAMMATES. something in me wants to get to know them better... grrrrrrr... i'm so confused. i don't know what i'm driving at. i miss them. their chitter chatter, their talks their laughs their smiles and pouts. the thought of them sends a tinglish happy feelin down my throat. *smiles* friendships are much more confusing than relationships.
and to the point about relationships...i'm amused tt they find what c-eles-t says, to be very enlightening. the things ce-le-st says are all too familiar..something that everyone around me has been tackling with day in day out. why did it seem so new to them? haha... cute. i think they're just plain cute. not naive...just perhaps, not exposed enough YET. the world of emotions awaits them. i guess people learn as they go along. now now.. i sound old. bleahhhh....i'm not old!! so gl-ory!! STOP IT!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
CHALET PHOTOSwhEeeee.......... hell a lot of photos. crazy gals... headache man
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