December 07, 2003

i like to think that everything will be alright after sleeping.

sometimes, it works. but more often than not, it doesn't. but i guess things tend to fade away somehow. it's all but a matter of time. at times i get so tired of everything, i just go to sleep and wake up, telling myself that there's no use brooding over it. nothing i say will change anything so why bother. a person can talk to me about the same issue on the night itself, and the very next morning, and find me saying completely different things about the incident...i'd sound perfectly fine, stable and composed. but am i really?

GR threw hurtful words at me again. i'm hurt. i teared, again. why do people always have to be so mean to me? it doesn't hurt to just keep things to yourself. i'm human too. if you hate me, don't talk to me. don't say things like "better than talking to you" because it hurts like fug.

i'm blabbering like a blurp fish. i don't know what i'm saying. i feel vulnerable. i feel my actions and words being scrutinised by people. i miss the bestfriend. at least the bestfriend's the one person i know who *hearts* me. sobs...

//girl, stop crying

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