January 30, 2007

burrffday log continues...

27th January, SATTY

i hopped over to wheelock's Fish&Co. for a birthday treat with the mahjong kakhis. where they ganged up with the crew to embarrass me. embarrasment of a lifetime! shit! but they took a polaroid shot of us all and wrote me a postcard with birthday greetings from Fish&Co staff, so, OK! not too bad. FREE PHOTO MA!

fishy fishy fishy...swim swim swim.

hehe. i present to you the nice babes who made me a powerpoint slide! yay.

and a very very tired james

who subsequently became wacky on our way home

which thus proves shinnie's (plus mine) point that tired people get high very easily.

and what's a dinner post without pictures of food?

the norm seafood platter, mostly gone mussels in garlic butter,

newyork fish + chips and penne.

and while we were there, check out who else was there...

food was very satisfying (how can seafood not be?) and we ended the day with more peeeeeeekchures

and a very pampered baby

thanks girls for the treat!

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