July 20, 2004

i can't seem to grasp the source of my current state of confusion. it is clear that going on thinking will not lead to any solution, but i can't drop it.


third day into my samsung x430 and i'm still pretty much in love with it. i wonder how long more it will captivate me, the one who can never stay committed for long. heheh.

people on my msn list should wake up early (the girls),  AWOL from NS (the guys), and quit school (the poly people, jc people, etc.). only then will my morning be more lively. i am dying online with no source of entertainment because celest damai ezdi eunice quincy shihan weishan vivis gillian DO NOT BLOG ENOUGH.

then again, i could choose to stop complaining and just sleep in late.

things to do today
*pay school fees at SIM
*submit application at RELC (???)
*holland V to get guinea pig food
*BBDC to apply for basic theory
*westmall to change sim card
*jp to get a cake for the birthday dinosaur

hohoho. what has become of my blog...a to do list???

this changing font color thing is getting very addictive. heeheeheee.

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