March 18, 2004

lionel's weblog: "Well well sometimes you feel sad and emotional but it's pointless"...which set me thinking. true enough, thinking's redundant. the more you think, the more confused you get.
so shuddup heart and listen to your fucking brain.
i've refrained from bloggin because all that comes out of me simply shows how totally vulnerable i am. laugh at me people. laugh!
well, was telling aggy (was it aggy? i can't remember) all the songs i like.. and i thought of counting crows. heh...
which set me thinking (again!) about the time i was studying at css macs wid cm, and i kept writing the same few lyrics...
....don't it always seem to go
that you don't know what you've got till it's gone....

brother, be weary.
i'm starting to trip. i'm losing my grip.

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