October 26, 2003

do--ris called yesterday and we were crapping about my future name..and in that half an hour or so, we've singled out these few, namely
*glo--ry sam
*glo--ry chia
*glo--ry nistelrooy
*glo--ry galistan
haha. nice right... yummy..
rights,you're probably wondering why i included "--" in my name. It's to preserve my blogger from being found by people formally labelled by me as "people who [spoil] other people's fun of free speech".
Out of all the names above..which sounds the nicest? i think the first and the last is nice. haha..so does anyone know a blahblah sam or a blahblah galistan whom i can marry?
okayeeee...i'm jio-ing e--dward sam after A levels. e--dward, if you're reading this, watch out okaye hahahhaa.. gl---ory is coming to haunt u. Lols.

friendster is finally serving it's purpose. by far, i've found 5 primary school friends, people who have brought many happy memories to my childhood days.
i found ce-cilia wee, the girl who read sweet valley high and played with barbie dolls. it's ironic tt we cliqued cause the only books i ever read than were dark stories and famous five!

talking about Famous Five, i remember reading the entire series 3 times, along with The Secret Seven. ho ho ho. I always wanted to be like Georgina...better known as George. She was a tough and rugged girl who was so much stronger, both physically and mentally, than the guys. oo yes. i admired her like crazy. i still do by the way. heehee.

i wonder how my darling "girlfriend" g--illian is doing at her wedding dinner now. haha...the ever so "grungey"-lookin g----illian ang is going to be all clad in a white dress and white sandals. oh my...*faints*

ng ch--ongming has admitted tt he is a gigglo. ho hum. i cleverly tricked him into revealing the truth. the deep dark truth. ho hum.
end announcement

hahaha.. i was j/k la...goodness.

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