a picture from all the way back then when ryan was skinny and i was black.
in celebration of yet another month together and for the 75% completion of ryan's exams, ryan and i headed for the very yummy samsui chicken! i somehow managed to convince ryan that a set meal was more worth it with the "dong gua shou rou" soup, fish and sambal kang kong together with the samsui chicken than just ordering ala carte.
i love soup. not the mushroom soup cream chicken soup soup. i love double boiled soups. i lack a grandma to boil such soups for me. )))): and no i don't want to learn how to. food doesn't taste as nice when it's cooked by yourself.
anyway it was a very FULLfilling dinner...hor ryan??? ehehehe.
HUGS RYAN..but i know you like to eat double shares, right?
by the way ryan, my 75% is on the 22nd may, thursday, just in case you want to return the treat.
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