finally a day spent with my dearest ryan. yes i know he's always at my place etc etc, but going out together's just different. to those who're constantly asking "eh your boyfriend lei?" well here he is, finally. see see see! (((((: LOLOLOOL.

beanie bags and sinful wedges dipped in cheese... and another dose of caffeaine (which i can't do without these days sigh). same spot same waiters/waitresses. him doing his stuff, me doing mine. but this time no shihan around to take peekchures wib meeee. why oh why! -pokessss-
wandered off to the new laselle campus in the evening to SEE SEE LOOK LOOK. it's SO PRETTY! like a space ship in outer space. carpet grass right in the middle which is oh so soft i could roll around in it (except i didn't. i said COULD i didn't say i would :P)

see our angry faces. i'm so envious! why isn't MY school like that. i wanna transfer oredy! LOL.

and me being me had to take photos so i forced ryan take 40 000 shots before i was satisfied. if i post the rest of the 40000 shots u'd see how his smile changes to a very reluctant grin. HEH.
hahaha the final shot of the day where my face miraculously doesn't look fat.
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