lesson for today:
how to remain fat.
1. eat char quay teow during lunch,
2. swim 25 laps in 30 minutes,
3. shower,
4. then proceed to holland v to tuck in to warm xo fish beehoon (good for a cold day),
5. dig teaspoons of skippy peanut butter upon reaching home.
to GROW FATTER (nt remain fat)-
6. heat up the ba chang on the dining table,
7. eat the cereal which has been staring at you (with lots of fresh cold milk!)
8. munch on toasted bread coated in a thick layer of crunch peanut butter and jelly,
9. and pop gummies into your mouth while watching tv.
thankfully i've managed to refrain from step 6 - 9.
this is why my good people, i am still fat despite all that cardio.
in all randomness,

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