there's a little bit of good and a lil bit of bad in everyone. a little bit of grey on the white screen sheet. a little stain on a white blouse. a little dogged-ear piece of paper. a little crease on an ironed blouse.
my point?
without all these little black spots grey blots defacts damages quarrels whatsoever, LIFE WOULD BE BORING WAD!!!!!!!!!!!!
wheeeeeeeee. don't u all agree?
comeeee! people!! quarrel with me! fight with me! flash your cat claws forks spoons and knives. heehee!
aiya i'm just bored at home. WHERE is my bro! WHERE IS MY BRO! yo yo yo. no one to snatch comp with me. no one to take away the tv controller and turn down the tv volume no one to eat up all my food no one for me to call FEI FEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!
tee hee hee hee. i STOLE your picture from your folder. eeeyer so cute! FEI FEI!!!!!!!! don't you just love me kor kor? hahahahahhaa.
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