for all these people whom i love, thank you for loving me.
thank you for everything.
celest, shihan, gillian, claudia
God gave me four of you to keep me sane in jj. celest, for giving me advice, shihan for keeping me entertained, gillian, for being there for me when the whole world abandons me, and claudia, for your support and encouragement.
babe you mean so much to me. all the late night talks and disclosing of heheh deep dark secrets. your tolerance of my mood swings. mmm.. muacksie
touch babes
i never knew how much u all meant to me until the last chalet we had. celest for being celest *grin*. ezdi, it's been nice talking to you HEROINE *cheers* nad, sweetie baby who's so lurrrving and true. momo for those times in the beginning of the year when i talked to you, and for looking after my little bundle of joy while i'm in HK. sunitha tao yen peg for being quiet and letting me feel noisy heh. damai...the girl with no pretense. quin...for being bubbly and cheerin pple up.
darlin grandson u lend a listening ear when i'm down. u listen to my ramblings and grumbling. you're a great companion. i love you.
all those mornings when i was tearing, you were there to make me smile. *hugZz*
chailee mummy
you're the one who remembers our birthdays. the one who sends us cards for christmas. you keep mjdds going on. *smiles*
bin, guang, puaygek
the three of you, often missin, but always there when i need you. cheers.
keatwee, huiyee, jia
you are sunshine in my life. not a word spoken, but the presence alone keeps me smiling inside.
my wallow in self-pity partner, you keep me grinning when i'm down. (=
you still owe me coffee
yongxian, zhipeng
your company online while the first few days when chongming was gone meant alot to me.
angela baby
i love you.
mr. purple bear
thx for hugging me to sleep everynight. thx for making me feel better when i cry.
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