December 31, 2003
December 30, 2003
darlings, i'm home! says:
i'm NOT LAZY!darlings, i'm home! says:
i love $$
darlings, i'm home! says:
=QuInnnNnNnnn= says:
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
me tooooooo
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
the i love $$ part
MEET AT JJ.... GO COUNTDOWN... *damai misses her babeSSS* says:
darlings, i'm home! says:
darlings, i'm home! says:
i need a money tree
darlings, i'm home! says:
let's build money tree together k
darlings, i'm home! says:
then we can all take money frm the money tree
darlings, i'm home! says:
MEET AT JJ.... GO COUNTDOWN... *damai misses her babeSSS* says:
i'm in this mannnnn
MEET AT JJ.... GO COUNTDOWN... *damai misses her babeSSS* says:
darlings, i'm home! says:
ok SEt!
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
-raises hands- im all for it
darlings, i'm home! says:
sciece students go create fomula for money tree
darlings, i'm home! says:
me and quin design the tree
darlings, i'm home! says:
MEET AT JJ.... GO COUNTDOWN... *damai misses her babeSSS* says:
yup yup
MEET AT JJ.... GO COUNTDOWN... *damai misses her babeSSS* says:
i do e chem part
MEET AT JJ.... GO COUNTDOWN... *damai misses her babeSSS* says:
MEET AT JJ.... GO COUNTDOWN... *damai misses her babeSSS* says:
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
darlings, i'm home! says:
darlings, i'm home! says:
quin talk to the tree lar
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
i help pluck the money
darlings, i'm home! says:
read poems to the teree
darlings, i'm home! says:
help it to grow
darlings, i'm home! says:
=QuInnnNnNnnn= says:
=QuInnnNnNnnn= says:
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
i help pluck theee moneyyy
=QuInnnNnNnnn= says:
i help t0 kip dem after tt
=QuInnnNnNnnn= says:
darlings, i'm home! says:
=QuInnnNnNnnn= says:
i'll read p0ems t0 e m0ney t0 tame dem
darlings, i'm home! says:
i help to USE THEM
darlings, i'm home! says:
=QuInnnNnNnnn= says:
MEET AT JJ.... GO COUNTDOWN... *damai misses her babeSSS* says:
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
to tame???
MEET AT JJ.... GO COUNTDOWN... *damai misses her babeSSS* says:
n finally... u'll need sunshine
MEET AT JJ.... GO COUNTDOWN... *damai misses her babeSSS* says:
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
its a wild plant??? RRRR
MEET AT JJ.... GO COUNTDOWN... *damai misses her babeSSS* says:
so lame. ahahhaas
December 29, 2003
i'm back.
aside from all the shoppin fun,
i've missed everyone.
i'm tired,
& i need lotza slp...
coughin lyk nobody's business...
anymore and my lungs will fall out too.
it'll be awhile till i get to meet everyone though...cuz i hafta wait till my flu and cough goes away.
so till then,
happy new year.
i miss my hammy especially. *pouts*
o. and i'm going to buy a beagle. ho ho ho
December 21, 2003
for all these people whom i love, thank you for loving me.
thank you for everything.
celest, shihan, gillian, claudia
God gave me four of you to keep me sane in jj. celest, for giving me advice, shihan for keeping me entertained, gillian, for being there for me when the whole world abandons me, and claudia, for your support and encouragement.
babe you mean so much to me. all the late night talks and disclosing of heheh deep dark secrets. your tolerance of my mood swings. mmm.. muacksie
touch babes
i never knew how much u all meant to me until the last chalet we had. celest for being celest *grin*. ezdi, it's been nice talking to you HEROINE *cheers* nad, sweetie baby who's so lurrrving and true. momo for those times in the beginning of the year when i talked to you, and for looking after my little bundle of joy while i'm in HK. sunitha tao yen peg for being quiet and letting me feel noisy heh. damai...the girl with no pretense. quin...for being bubbly and cheerin pple up.
darlin grandson u lend a listening ear when i'm down. u listen to my ramblings and grumbling. you're a great companion. i love you.
all those mornings when i was tearing, you were there to make me smile. *hugZz*
chailee mummy
you're the one who remembers our birthdays. the one who sends us cards for christmas. you keep mjdds going on. *smiles*
bin, guang, puaygek
the three of you, often missin, but always there when i need you. cheers.
keatwee, huiyee, jia
you are sunshine in my life. not a word spoken, but the presence alone keeps me smiling inside.
my wallow in self-pity partner, you keep me grinning when i'm down. (=
you still owe me coffee
yongxian, zhipeng
your company online while the first few days when chongming was gone meant alot to me.
angela baby
i love you.
mr. purple bear
thx for hugging me to sleep everynight. thx for making me feel better when i cry.
December 20, 2003
=( ya rit. Aye. Til the day we mEET again, U tkc ya. ciaoz!
funny right? like, wahhh... i'm not going to see her until 10 years later. (wah if it's really like tt i'll cry i tnk)
oo.. i read bout sth interestin frm this certain gal's blog. it's interesting! aye, it made me laugh too.
you're supposed to draw circles in a clockwise direction with ur right foot,
and then draw the number 6 in the air with ur right hand.
ur foot will start drawing circles anticlockwise!
cow funny.
yet another funny dumb thing...
noVas> what do u call a fish with a big head and a small body
glooooory> ermmm..
glooooory> fish ball?
glooooory> ermmm..
noVas> wrong
noVas> hehe
glooooory> fish?!
noVas> yes
noVas> fish
glooooory> hahahahahhaha
noVas> 2 more chance
noVas> quick
noVas> guess
glooooory> ernnnnnn,,,,..
glooooory> luo han fish?
noVas> NO NO
noVas> wrONg
noVas> last chance
glooooory> ermmmm....
glooooory> fish dipperS?
noVas> No NO
noVas> hehe
noVas> hehe
noVas> i tell u the answer
noVas> 20 dollars
noVas> pls
glooooory> haha
glooooory> charge it to cm!
noVas> ok
noVas> the answer is:
noVas> ..................
noVas> excited?
noVas> hehe
noVas> wait
glooooory> wiating!!
noVas> the fish is an ikan bilis wearing a helmet
i keep blogging today. (the line breaks means different blogging times ya)
the bestfriend just called!!
//today, your msgs made me tear.
i know my replies were chirpy,
but i also know tt -
you know i'm pretending
December 19, 2003
just got back from touch chalet. totally shagged from all tt photo takin and laughing and water drinking (yikes). the second night was swt and peaceful (if not for the fuggin invasion of the roach). all the talks and updating... it's a nice feelin which i haven't felt for a lng time. seems like quite alot of things hv been happenng for all e touch girls. aie, boys suck. it was awhile ago when i remembered saying that i'd dis-associate myself from them after JC life is over but, after all that msn-ing n talks in touch chalet, aiee... i take back my words.
i don't know what to call them. do i treat them as my friends? or do i just treat them as teammates? when do u call a person a friend? is every person that has entered my life at some point of time considered a friend? why is it tt i make such a distinct effort to call my classmates, CLASSMATES. maybe my expectations for a Friend is too high. the touch girls.. are somehow more than just TEAMMATES. something in me wants to get to know them better... grrrrrrr... i'm so confused. i don't know what i'm driving at. i miss them. their chitter chatter, their talks their laughs their smiles and pouts. the thought of them sends a tinglish happy feelin down my throat. *smiles* friendships are much more confusing than relationships.
and to the point about relationships...i'm amused tt they find what c-eles-t says, to be very enlightening. the things ce-le-st says are all too familiar..something that everyone around me has been tackling with day in day out. why did it seem so new to them? haha... cute. i think they're just plain cute. not naive...just perhaps, not exposed enough YET. the world of emotions awaits them. i guess people learn as they go along. now now.. i sound old. bleahhhh....i'm not old!! so gl-ory!! STOP IT!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
CHALET PHOTOSwhEeeee.......... hell a lot of photos. crazy gals... headache man
December 17, 2003
December 16, 2003
1046hrs: phone call
1140hrs: 10minute cab ride to CMPB
1200hrs - 1700hrs: roaming around from ikea to queensway to ikea to anchorpoint to ikea to queensway while waiting for that stupid dumb friend
1700hrs - 1830hrs: sending army boy back to hendon camp
1830hrs to 2020hrs: GETTING BACK TO LAKESIDE FROM HENDON CAMP -______- (i swear i nearly died on the train)
2020hrs to 2200hrs: crapping with dear ce-le-stin-a at JP
that sums up the day.
chalet tmr! heh.
but on rethinking, this sudden temporal absence of the bestfriend isn't exactly all that bad. more interaction with others, more independance, and more self-reflection. life's not just about whining, complaining, and bickering anymore. i think before i talk, look before i walk, open my arms and reach out to people around. wiser, perhaps. more thoughtful too. mmmm.... summary: more appreciative.
still going on. not forgotten! heehee
4.46am. currently suffering from a linguistic lag. words aren't flowing (okay what's new).
things to do:
*the bestfriend's christmas present
*get my butt down to ikea
*Send chalet photos to cousin
*register for SAT
*take driving liscence
*wash clothes
*disturb ce--les-t
*meet brend for breakfast date
*charge camera batteries
*get a job
*blade properly
yadda yadda yadda. i haven't been acting stupid since the absence of the bestfriend. c-eles-t! where are you? i want to act stupid and say stupid things. come out right now! hide no more! hey tickle tickle.. come out come out, wherever you are!
and yes, to find out where i've been my dear c-eles-t, click HERE
December 12, 2003
going to ikea to hunt for materials for honeydummy's christmas present!! oo! i'm so excited! *blinks blinks*
4am-ish, i'm crazy, missing my bestfriend, and feeling extremely whiny but there's no one for me to whine to.
---------> CLICK
December 11, 2003
*gege dear
*tt tall tall thin thin girl (boy?) with highlighted streaks and a rotten fila bag and a UGLY (but not rotten)blue fila bag
*the stupid cow who doesn't know how to answer the phone whenever i call her
*stupid e-D.! i duno where the hell he is
i wanted to
*sleep at 10pm but someone said she's going to play gunbound with me after Charmed but she didn't in the end
*sleep at 11pm but it seems as if many memories/worries are painted on the eyelids of my eyes. i see them everytime i close my eyes
*go for a run in the afty but it was pouring cats and dogs
*wash mr. mouse mouse's house but i couldn't get my butt movin
*msg ko-h xia-o hu-i but i became too lazy to type the sms
*cry when i looked into the mirror and saw your reflection in my eyes. you're on the extreme end of singapore -whines
*go out with weilin at 9pm-ish but i realised i have no money at all
i dream of
*my gege appearing right in front of me this very moment
*capturing a rainbow in a cookie jar
*loving and being loved
i am
*irritated because nan-a-na sent this to my friendster account before going into ns
i know i'm not supposed to be talking to you
anymore, but yah, sorrie...
took quite a while to write this, but could only
finish it today. dun think it sounds nice, dunno
y i'm sending you. but if i don't now, i might
never get the chance again. dun haf a
title...dunno wat to call it. dun think i'll ever
give it one.
They say that if i love you,
i should let you go.
But what do they know?
That's just impossible to do.
I can say a thousand words,
I can tell you a million things.
But it still won't mean a thing,
if nobody's listening.
All my time spent thinking about you,
all my life wanting to love you,
i'll never regret.
Maybe it's not worth it.
Maybe i'm being a fool.
But tell me it's being done for you,
and i'll ask questions no more.
Ever since the first time i saw you,
till the very last second,
every image, sound, even smell
Will be forever kept inside me.
Sometimes i wonder if i'm hurting you.
Please tell me if i do.
Everything i've done's been done for you...
All i ever wanted was to see you smile...
Every word to you,
i fear it to be my last.
But things are out of my hands,
i can only tell you i love you.
All my time spent thinking about you,
all my life spent loving you,
i'll never regret.
I'm sure it is worth it.
Even though you might think me mad.
But tell me it's being done for you,
and i'll ask questions no more.
i've rejected u flat in the face 5? 6? times so why dun u just go away...yeah everybody loves you adores you thinks you're great. i know that too but the thing is, there's no feeling. what do you want me to say?? if i talk to you, they say i'm leading you on. if i don't talk to you, they say i'm mean. go to hell lar
i have to learn to
*be mushy (cm will know what i mean)
*be more demure and girlish
*stop crying
i need
*my gege dear
*lots of money
*a marie france bodyline slimming course
*an intensive skin(face) treatment programme
*Soo Kee jewellery's Brilliant Rose pendant
December 10, 2003
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.
In the process of courtship, the approach that would make you feel irresistable is moods-swing, blow hot and cold in love, vacillate.
The impression you would like to give to your lover is stylish.
What you hate most in your partner is that the person is ruthless, cold-blooded, and/or ironic.
The kind of relationship you would like to build with your partner is that both of you can talk about everything and anything, no secret is kept.
You can never be stabilized; actually, you are not suitable for marriage and you don't want to make committment.
You always want to get married, but in fact, you don't even know what it really is.
At this moment, you don't want to be tied down by a steady relationship, you just want to flirt around.
December 09, 2003
blooshot eyes
tear-stained face
a soaked pillow
and a sunken heart.
you'll be gone tomorrow
i wonder when i'll see you again.
i wonder when i'll get another phonecall from you.
you mean so much to me. you're my precious honeystars...this year has been a shade of grey. you've been that ray of sunshine that brings joy and hope. you've kept me going along this long and twisted road. no amount of ciggs and alcohol and running and plugging raging music in my ears can ever ever replace that one hug from you that lessens all that sadness. you're someone who's been through so much so much with me. u're my greatest friend.
i don't want you to go away
but santa wouldn't let you stay.
so here i am tearing and tearing the whole afternoon through.
i know a couple of months isn't alot
i know time will fly...
it's just a weird feelin.
brother, i miss you.
went over to NYDC! haha. i'm ulu..first time eating there? yum yum...had a Mushroom Attack and it's nicey and yummy cause gl-ory LURVES mushroomies. (=
photos uploaded. they're HERE.
December 07, 2003
i'm blabbering like a blurp fish. i don't know what i'm saying. i feel vulnerable. i feel my actions and words being scrutinised by people. i miss the bestfriend. at least the bestfriend's the one person i know who *hearts* me. sobs...
//girl, stop crying
December 06, 2003
movie yesterday. best friend. her. LOVE, ACTUALLY double meaning. go figure.
long sleep.
news. good? bad? i don't know.
/long run
anyone wants to drink themselves drunk??? call me.
December 03, 2003
December 02, 2003
God, please sprinkle money from the heavens above..
all i want for christmas is...
*$32.90 for the white short sleeved top
*$19.00 for the projectshop top
*$26.90 for the white halter top
*$65.00 for the google denim skirt
*$i-don't-know-how-much for the necklace with the huge square pendant
*$486 for the stardust necklace from lee hwa jewellery.
*$14.90 for the pink/darkpink bling bling braclet
that is all i want for christmas! it's not alot! give them to me!
give it to me baby, uh huh, uh huh
many things done since the last time i blogged.
i dyed my hair
i went for MJDDS chalet at
stayed at NTUC Sentosa beach resort,
spent some time on the nice sandy beaches of Sentosa,
attempted to indulge in some lesbianism haha...,
played alot of bridge, dai dee, (oh yes and lots of BEAR GAME)
and took lots of photos
the pretty lao puo
the ex
the darling Mama!!
the bestest grandson in the world,
whom i really really miss so very very much.