December 31, 2003
December 30, 2003
darlings, i'm home! says:
i'm NOT LAZY!darlings, i'm home! says:
i love $$
darlings, i'm home! says:
=QuInnnNnNnnn= says:
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
me tooooooo
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
the i love $$ part
MEET AT JJ.... GO COUNTDOWN... *damai misses her babeSSS* says:
darlings, i'm home! says:
darlings, i'm home! says:
i need a money tree
darlings, i'm home! says:
let's build money tree together k
darlings, i'm home! says:
then we can all take money frm the money tree
darlings, i'm home! says:
MEET AT JJ.... GO COUNTDOWN... *damai misses her babeSSS* says:
i'm in this mannnnn
MEET AT JJ.... GO COUNTDOWN... *damai misses her babeSSS* says:
darlings, i'm home! says:
ok SEt!
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
-raises hands- im all for it
darlings, i'm home! says:
sciece students go create fomula for money tree
darlings, i'm home! says:
me and quin design the tree
darlings, i'm home! says:
MEET AT JJ.... GO COUNTDOWN... *damai misses her babeSSS* says:
yup yup
MEET AT JJ.... GO COUNTDOWN... *damai misses her babeSSS* says:
i do e chem part
MEET AT JJ.... GO COUNTDOWN... *damai misses her babeSSS* says:
MEET AT JJ.... GO COUNTDOWN... *damai misses her babeSSS* says:
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
darlings, i'm home! says:
darlings, i'm home! says:
quin talk to the tree lar
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
i help pluck the money
darlings, i'm home! says:
read poems to the teree
darlings, i'm home! says:
help it to grow
darlings, i'm home! says:
=QuInnnNnNnnn= says:
=QuInnnNnNnnn= says:
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
i help pluck theee moneyyy
=QuInnnNnNnnn= says:
i help t0 kip dem after tt
=QuInnnNnNnnn= says:
darlings, i'm home! says:
=QuInnnNnNnnn= says:
i'll read p0ems t0 e m0ney t0 tame dem
darlings, i'm home! says:
i help to USE THEM
darlings, i'm home! says:
=QuInnnNnNnnn= says:
MEET AT JJ.... GO COUNTDOWN... *damai misses her babeSSS* says:
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
to tame???
MEET AT JJ.... GO COUNTDOWN... *damai misses her babeSSS* says:
n finally... u'll need sunshine
MEET AT JJ.... GO COUNTDOWN... *damai misses her babeSSS* says:
i miss you gorgeous babes hoho~ says:
its a wild plant??? RRRR
MEET AT JJ.... GO COUNTDOWN... *damai misses her babeSSS* says:
so lame. ahahhaas
December 29, 2003
i'm back.
aside from all the shoppin fun,
i've missed everyone.
i'm tired,
& i need lotza slp...
coughin lyk nobody's business...
anymore and my lungs will fall out too.
it'll be awhile till i get to meet everyone though...cuz i hafta wait till my flu and cough goes away.
so till then,
happy new year.
i miss my hammy especially. *pouts*
o. and i'm going to buy a beagle. ho ho ho
December 21, 2003
for all these people whom i love, thank you for loving me.
thank you for everything.
celest, shihan, gillian, claudia
God gave me four of you to keep me sane in jj. celest, for giving me advice, shihan for keeping me entertained, gillian, for being there for me when the whole world abandons me, and claudia, for your support and encouragement.
babe you mean so much to me. all the late night talks and disclosing of heheh deep dark secrets. your tolerance of my mood swings. mmm.. muacksie
touch babes
i never knew how much u all meant to me until the last chalet we had. celest for being celest *grin*. ezdi, it's been nice talking to you HEROINE *cheers* nad, sweetie baby who's so lurrrving and true. momo for those times in the beginning of the year when i talked to you, and for looking after my little bundle of joy while i'm in HK. sunitha tao yen peg for being quiet and letting me feel noisy heh. damai...the girl with no pretense. quin...for being bubbly and cheerin pple up.
darlin grandson u lend a listening ear when i'm down. u listen to my ramblings and grumbling. you're a great companion. i love you.
all those mornings when i was tearing, you were there to make me smile. *hugZz*
chailee mummy
you're the one who remembers our birthdays. the one who sends us cards for christmas. you keep mjdds going on. *smiles*
bin, guang, puaygek
the three of you, often missin, but always there when i need you. cheers.
keatwee, huiyee, jia
you are sunshine in my life. not a word spoken, but the presence alone keeps me smiling inside.
my wallow in self-pity partner, you keep me grinning when i'm down. (=
you still owe me coffee
yongxian, zhipeng
your company online while the first few days when chongming was gone meant alot to me.
angela baby
i love you.
mr. purple bear
thx for hugging me to sleep everynight. thx for making me feel better when i cry.
December 20, 2003
=( ya rit. Aye. Til the day we mEET again, U tkc ya. ciaoz!
funny right? like, wahhh... i'm not going to see her until 10 years later. (wah if it's really like tt i'll cry i tnk)
oo.. i read bout sth interestin frm this certain gal's blog. it's interesting! aye, it made me laugh too.
you're supposed to draw circles in a clockwise direction with ur right foot,
and then draw the number 6 in the air with ur right hand.
ur foot will start drawing circles anticlockwise!
cow funny.
yet another funny dumb thing...
noVas> what do u call a fish with a big head and a small body
glooooory> ermmm..
glooooory> fish ball?
glooooory> ermmm..
noVas> wrong
noVas> hehe
glooooory> fish?!
noVas> yes
noVas> fish
glooooory> hahahahahhaha
noVas> 2 more chance
noVas> quick
noVas> guess
glooooory> ernnnnnn,,,,..
glooooory> luo han fish?
noVas> NO NO
noVas> wrONg
noVas> last chance
glooooory> ermmmm....
glooooory> fish dipperS?
noVas> No NO
noVas> hehe
noVas> hehe
noVas> i tell u the answer
noVas> 20 dollars
noVas> pls
glooooory> haha
glooooory> charge it to cm!
noVas> ok
noVas> the answer is:
noVas> ..................
noVas> excited?
noVas> hehe
noVas> wait
glooooory> wiating!!
noVas> the fish is an ikan bilis wearing a helmet
i keep blogging today. (the line breaks means different blogging times ya)
the bestfriend just called!!
//today, your msgs made me tear.
i know my replies were chirpy,
but i also know tt -
you know i'm pretending
December 19, 2003
just got back from touch chalet. totally shagged from all tt photo takin and laughing and water drinking (yikes). the second night was swt and peaceful (if not for the fuggin invasion of the roach). all the talks and updating... it's a nice feelin which i haven't felt for a lng time. seems like quite alot of things hv been happenng for all e touch girls. aie, boys suck. it was awhile ago when i remembered saying that i'd dis-associate myself from them after JC life is over but, after all that msn-ing n talks in touch chalet, aiee... i take back my words.
i don't know what to call them. do i treat them as my friends? or do i just treat them as teammates? when do u call a person a friend? is every person that has entered my life at some point of time considered a friend? why is it tt i make such a distinct effort to call my classmates, CLASSMATES. maybe my expectations for a Friend is too high. the touch girls.. are somehow more than just TEAMMATES. something in me wants to get to know them better... grrrrrrr... i'm so confused. i don't know what i'm driving at. i miss them. their chitter chatter, their talks their laughs their smiles and pouts. the thought of them sends a tinglish happy feelin down my throat. *smiles* friendships are much more confusing than relationships.
and to the point about relationships...i'm amused tt they find what c-eles-t says, to be very enlightening. the things ce-le-st says are all too familiar..something that everyone around me has been tackling with day in day out. why did it seem so new to them? haha... cute. i think they're just plain cute. not naive...just perhaps, not exposed enough YET. the world of emotions awaits them. i guess people learn as they go along. now now.. i sound old. bleahhhh....i'm not old!! so gl-ory!! STOP IT!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
CHALET PHOTOSwhEeeee.......... hell a lot of photos. crazy gals... headache man
December 17, 2003
December 16, 2003
1046hrs: phone call
1140hrs: 10minute cab ride to CMPB
1200hrs - 1700hrs: roaming around from ikea to queensway to ikea to anchorpoint to ikea to queensway while waiting for that stupid dumb friend
1700hrs - 1830hrs: sending army boy back to hendon camp
1830hrs to 2020hrs: GETTING BACK TO LAKESIDE FROM HENDON CAMP -______- (i swear i nearly died on the train)
2020hrs to 2200hrs: crapping with dear ce-le-stin-a at JP
that sums up the day.
chalet tmr! heh.
but on rethinking, this sudden temporal absence of the bestfriend isn't exactly all that bad. more interaction with others, more independance, and more self-reflection. life's not just about whining, complaining, and bickering anymore. i think before i talk, look before i walk, open my arms and reach out to people around. wiser, perhaps. more thoughtful too. mmmm.... summary: more appreciative.
still going on. not forgotten! heehee
4.46am. currently suffering from a linguistic lag. words aren't flowing (okay what's new).
things to do:
*the bestfriend's christmas present
*get my butt down to ikea
*Send chalet photos to cousin
*register for SAT
*take driving liscence
*wash clothes
*disturb ce--les-t
*meet brend for breakfast date
*charge camera batteries
*get a job
*blade properly
yadda yadda yadda. i haven't been acting stupid since the absence of the bestfriend. c-eles-t! where are you? i want to act stupid and say stupid things. come out right now! hide no more! hey tickle tickle.. come out come out, wherever you are!
and yes, to find out where i've been my dear c-eles-t, click HERE
December 12, 2003
going to ikea to hunt for materials for honeydummy's christmas present!! oo! i'm so excited! *blinks blinks*
4am-ish, i'm crazy, missing my bestfriend, and feeling extremely whiny but there's no one for me to whine to.
---------> CLICK
December 11, 2003
*gege dear
*tt tall tall thin thin girl (boy?) with highlighted streaks and a rotten fila bag and a UGLY (but not rotten)blue fila bag
*the stupid cow who doesn't know how to answer the phone whenever i call her
*stupid e-D.! i duno where the hell he is
i wanted to
*sleep at 10pm but someone said she's going to play gunbound with me after Charmed but she didn't in the end
*sleep at 11pm but it seems as if many memories/worries are painted on the eyelids of my eyes. i see them everytime i close my eyes
*go for a run in the afty but it was pouring cats and dogs
*wash mr. mouse mouse's house but i couldn't get my butt movin
*msg ko-h xia-o hu-i but i became too lazy to type the sms
*cry when i looked into the mirror and saw your reflection in my eyes. you're on the extreme end of singapore -whines
*go out with weilin at 9pm-ish but i realised i have no money at all
i dream of
*my gege appearing right in front of me this very moment
*capturing a rainbow in a cookie jar
*loving and being loved
i am
*irritated because nan-a-na sent this to my friendster account before going into ns
i know i'm not supposed to be talking to you
anymore, but yah, sorrie...
took quite a while to write this, but could only
finish it today. dun think it sounds nice, dunno
y i'm sending you. but if i don't now, i might
never get the chance again. dun haf a
title...dunno wat to call it. dun think i'll ever
give it one.
They say that if i love you,
i should let you go.
But what do they know?
That's just impossible to do.
I can say a thousand words,
I can tell you a million things.
But it still won't mean a thing,
if nobody's listening.
All my time spent thinking about you,
all my life wanting to love you,
i'll never regret.
Maybe it's not worth it.
Maybe i'm being a fool.
But tell me it's being done for you,
and i'll ask questions no more.
Ever since the first time i saw you,
till the very last second,
every image, sound, even smell
Will be forever kept inside me.
Sometimes i wonder if i'm hurting you.
Please tell me if i do.
Everything i've done's been done for you...
All i ever wanted was to see you smile...
Every word to you,
i fear it to be my last.
But things are out of my hands,
i can only tell you i love you.
All my time spent thinking about you,
all my life spent loving you,
i'll never regret.
I'm sure it is worth it.
Even though you might think me mad.
But tell me it's being done for you,
and i'll ask questions no more.
i've rejected u flat in the face 5? 6? times so why dun u just go away...yeah everybody loves you adores you thinks you're great. i know that too but the thing is, there's no feeling. what do you want me to say?? if i talk to you, they say i'm leading you on. if i don't talk to you, they say i'm mean. go to hell lar
i have to learn to
*be mushy (cm will know what i mean)
*be more demure and girlish
*stop crying
i need
*my gege dear
*lots of money
*a marie france bodyline slimming course
*an intensive skin(face) treatment programme
*Soo Kee jewellery's Brilliant Rose pendant
December 10, 2003
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.
In the process of courtship, the approach that would make you feel irresistable is moods-swing, blow hot and cold in love, vacillate.
The impression you would like to give to your lover is stylish.
What you hate most in your partner is that the person is ruthless, cold-blooded, and/or ironic.
The kind of relationship you would like to build with your partner is that both of you can talk about everything and anything, no secret is kept.
You can never be stabilized; actually, you are not suitable for marriage and you don't want to make committment.
You always want to get married, but in fact, you don't even know what it really is.
At this moment, you don't want to be tied down by a steady relationship, you just want to flirt around.
December 09, 2003
blooshot eyes
tear-stained face
a soaked pillow
and a sunken heart.
you'll be gone tomorrow
i wonder when i'll see you again.
i wonder when i'll get another phonecall from you.
you mean so much to me. you're my precious honeystars...this year has been a shade of grey. you've been that ray of sunshine that brings joy and hope. you've kept me going along this long and twisted road. no amount of ciggs and alcohol and running and plugging raging music in my ears can ever ever replace that one hug from you that lessens all that sadness. you're someone who's been through so much so much with me. u're my greatest friend.
i don't want you to go away
but santa wouldn't let you stay.
so here i am tearing and tearing the whole afternoon through.
i know a couple of months isn't alot
i know time will fly...
it's just a weird feelin.
brother, i miss you.
went over to NYDC! haha. i'm ulu..first time eating there? yum yum...had a Mushroom Attack and it's nicey and yummy cause gl-ory LURVES mushroomies. (=
photos uploaded. they're HERE.
December 07, 2003
i'm blabbering like a blurp fish. i don't know what i'm saying. i feel vulnerable. i feel my actions and words being scrutinised by people. i miss the bestfriend. at least the bestfriend's the one person i know who *hearts* me. sobs...
//girl, stop crying
December 06, 2003
movie yesterday. best friend. her. LOVE, ACTUALLY double meaning. go figure.
long sleep.
news. good? bad? i don't know.
/long run
anyone wants to drink themselves drunk??? call me.
December 03, 2003
December 02, 2003
God, please sprinkle money from the heavens above..
all i want for christmas is...
*$32.90 for the white short sleeved top
*$19.00 for the projectshop top
*$26.90 for the white halter top
*$65.00 for the google denim skirt
*$i-don't-know-how-much for the necklace with the huge square pendant
*$486 for the stardust necklace from lee hwa jewellery.
*$14.90 for the pink/darkpink bling bling braclet
that is all i want for christmas! it's not alot! give them to me!
give it to me baby, uh huh, uh huh
many things done since the last time i blogged.
i dyed my hair
i went for MJDDS chalet at
stayed at NTUC Sentosa beach resort,
spent some time on the nice sandy beaches of Sentosa,
attempted to indulge in some lesbianism haha...,
played alot of bridge, dai dee, (oh yes and lots of BEAR GAME)
and took lots of photos
the pretty lao puo
the ex
the darling Mama!!
the bestest grandson in the world,
whom i really really miss so very very much.
November 27, 2003
i'm feelin whiny today.
the best friend isn't at home,
the ce-l-es-t has her hair dyed already (AND I HAVE NOT!!!),
my room is half packed,
aie, i don't know. i'm just not feeling SUPER HAPPY as i thought i'd be.
hmmmmms.. shall get back to packin my room laters. tsk.
November 25, 2003
November 24, 2003
November 23, 2003
pain pain pain. anyone who dares to TOUCH me, HUG me or TAP me on my back, will get her boobs deflated or his balls burst.
grrrr. my eyes are dry too! which explains why i'm whining instead of enjoying myself online.
November 22, 2003
November 21, 2003
gil-li-an dear is going to malaysia this weekend. that leaves me to be alone. ALL ALONE. i'm going to miss my DARLING DEAREST SWEET SWEET gill-ian darling. yes, i'm going to miss my VERY LOVELY "girlfriend". i'll be thinking of you day and night. i hope i'll dream of you as well.
//laughs out loud and rolls around
7 more days to clear my locker (containing touch tee, pe tee, pe shorts, the ugly neon green shirt from coach, plastic bags from during the sars period, my pretty file, contact lens solution, crayons, storybook, EH ALOT LEY)
7 more days to look at the field - ran on, slid on, slpt on, cried on, screamed on, got scolded on, oh yeah those were the days yo!
7 more days to look at the track which we ran on. 10 rounds shit.
7 more days to mock the ugly school building
i'm going to baked in the sun tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow and hahaha.
i can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!
November 20, 2003
*my attempts to wake vi-vi-s up have FAILED.
*flipped through population (+migration),
*flipped through tourism
*had a crazy dream about seafood, with walking lobsters and talking crabs (?!!)
*forgot to eat dinner ytd
*ate banana, peanut butter bread (peanut butter?! i never ever touch it!), and choc milk.....WEIRD COMBI. maybe that accounts for my nonsensical dream too? yes?
*Cheers* to all those i know who're ending today:-
-che-n wei-sh-an
-ko-h xiaoh-ui cel-estin-a (glares at ce-les-t)
-eu-ni-c-e teo
-blaCkie face
and to all those who ended yesterday:-
//crap// *sulks*
oh i forgot to blog yesterday!! the girlfriend woke me up from my sleep AGAIN. forever and always pulling me out of dreamland *sobs*. just too much...Just TOO MUCH...TOO MUCH!!
back to digest some DRQ answers by sexay tricia seow. yawnsss....
the WONDERGOD title BELONGS TO me ME me ME ME ME!!!!!! it'll NEVER be urs so STOp dreaming ho ho ho ho ho ho ho.
//she's FREE from exams. damn..i'm jealous! called her at 10+ at night and she wasn't home yet? *sulks*
timecheck : 1:01 am. ho ho ho...12 hrs more to my paper...
only ONE topic (roughly) done.
November 19, 2003
the height is there man THERE. i'm shorter than everyone else. sulks*
one, i'm as SMART as doc (i meant, smart alec)
two, i'm HAPPY..more than half my life centres around happiness when i'm with my friends haa. and the happiness rate-to machine runs up to the max when i get to bitch. hurr
three, i'm SHY ok...rights. ha
four, sneezy. ok maybe not. but does burping out loud count? i think sneezes have been substituted with burps. oops.
five, i'm GRUMPY. i'm never satisfied. too bad aaaa.. =p
six, i'm dopey. i believe EVERYTHING the best friend says. someone pls teach me how to get out of gulliblicity (gullible city) haha.
seven, I SLEEP AND SLEEP AnD SLEEP ALL DAY! for the past two days, i've slpt for a total of 28 hours. someone BEAT ME TO IT and i'll give you the title of wondergod.
wanted to just give up on this friendship.
my mind was already fixed,
but i guess i've got a soft spot here...
i get deceived by your words,
and i start to doubt my judgement.
studying just isn't my cup of tea.
why should i let a 3hr slot determine my worth? my future?
singapore is a screwed up world. one day, we'll ALL end up like tom gradgrind and louisa gradgrind, who through Utilitarianism and the psychotic pressures of their father, develop into perversed people.
//fly me away to the end of the world,
where i'd be free
November 18, 2003
couldn't be bothered to reply. i can tell.
i'll tell you something, you're crap, and one big
you're so damn cocky and big headed.
u think u're really great don't you?
now i understand why all of them hate you.
rights, i hear you echoing that you couldn't care
and you don't give a fuck about what other people
think of you.
that being so, good for you.
i wash my hands off you.
i'll treat it that i never had a friend like you.
(oh isn't that how u've been treating all of us
in the very first place?)
it's a pity cause u were a good friend to start
now, i think i'm on their side.
u can go and suck your shoe.
i hope you're feeling sore and hurt by this
message. but if you're not, it's okay. it'll just
proof another thing - you don't have a heart.
that written, it's full swing hatred.
November 17, 2003
anyhows i had many dreams. i dreamt i had 206'99 chalet!!!! and ALL, i mean ALL, the girls went and stayed over. whoa like real man it'll never happen.
and then i dreamt the best friend fought with s-am-my ch-ow hahha. damn spectacular can? like WHoa..... but as to who won, i never found out coz i got awakened by -on-g gu-ang ron-g's sms askin me to go eat sushi haha. too bad it's raining..OGR's treat ley! FREE CAN!!!!but it's raining.. so i went back to slp.
November 16, 2003
whatevers. maybe i'll cheat them. i'll go, and i'll go off myself. haa.
November 15, 2003
anyways, 6 papers down, 3 more to go.
the One above has been kind to me...ah, the song just rambles on in my head and calms me down a little...
I know God makes no mistakes,
He leads in every path i take,
along the way that's leading me to home.
Though at times, my heart would break,
there's a purpose in every change He makes,
that others would see my life and know that
God, makes no mistakes.
yup yups. everything works out according to His plan. but that doesn't mean i slack and don't study! i gotta do my part and study as well. hmmms.. i guess i've been doing my part? though not the best of it...
the A levels has drawn me closer to Him again..aie... Trust in Him. He'll see you through. (=
this exam's been changing me a whole lot.
away with the pop the rock the metal and what not,
and in with the hymns, the praises and the classical 92.4fm.
aie... peace with myself. feeling oddly comfortable.
November 12, 2003
my dreams as as chaotic as my life.
i dreamt:
*my teeth ached like crazy. went to my family doctor (why not a dentist!?) to check out what was causin the pain but he couldn't figure out. went home, and found gooey plastic plastered to my gums. ripped it out.. and along came some part of my gum and my teeth. YEOWCH!!!
*talking to ce-le--st while sitting on the top of some shelf.. it was so high man.. SO high... scary.. thank goodness i dun have phobia of heights?
*playing with this really pretty baby with golden curls (SEE!!! I WANNA GET MARRIED!! THIS IS A SIGNNNNN!!!!!!!! i SHOULD BE GETTING MARRIED!!!)
*getting fascinated with this absolutely miraculous drainage system (ahh. my job for the rest of my life if i fail to pass my As)
dreams aside, let's tune in to reality. ho hum.
i've reasoned out why "The Shield" never get the emmy awards ho hum.
1. they've got a bald and obese lead actor
2. Lead is a corrupted police man
3. lead whacks women up
4. they've got teenage porn videos
i shall stop being mean.. n do something about my potential future.... like finding my husband... or doing mcqs.
November 11, 2003
Well, well... you are the mysterious Fifth Element!
The Fifth Element, Ether, is used or conjured
in many ancient religions or magics, but is not
something found on this plane. Those that have
been able to make the ascension to the Ether
are truly evolved people, possessed with
heightened senses of intelligence, perception,
and empathy that others simply don't have.
Everyday possessions aren't of much interest -
you are beyond that. You tend to gravitate to
open spaces, changing environments, and won't
saddle yourself with one style or decision.
Indeed, just one type of career isn't of
interest to you either, as your need to
constantly continue evolving and growing won't
allow you to settle down. Sadly, this need may
also impact your social life as well. You tend
to have few friends as not many people
understand you, and fewer relationships because
you simply outgrow them.
Don't be discouraged by this, though. You are truly
one of the unique, for very few people have
been able to achieve this type of
enlightenment. Be proud and use your knowledge
and experiences to teach and help others as
much as you can. Good luck and congratulations!
Now that you have an idea of your strengths and
weaknesses, why don't you put them to the test?
If you follow my lead I can take you to a game
world where you can explore different sides of
yourself and taste real power. Just follow my
lead, enter a name...
...and all
the world can be yours.
Which of the 5 Prime Elements are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
November 10, 2003
i'm shattered.
3 questions, 2 done, one untouched.
25 marks down the drain.
and i'm not even sure if i'll pass the two questions i did.
i don't feel good.
i feel so sad.
crossing the road, i saw the car coming. wanted to slow down and let it run into me...
November 08, 2003 says:
yes.. i do believe i do love u more thhan u love me.. lalalalaaa.. but it is still not too late to love me more.... muahahhahahaa
haaha silly man silly!
there's more!
i'm a donkey. hee haww. says:
why not i change it again
i'm a donkey. hee haww. says:
and make u really happy says:
i'ts okay.. i stiill love you "gurlfriend' says:
sure.. can u put.. the gurlfriend... says:
hahahah says:
i'm talkiing rot... says:
now my name is r.o.t.t.en
i'm a donkey. hee haww. says:
i'm a donkey. hee haww. says:
i'm a donkey. hee haww. says:
i shall put it as
i'm a donkey. hee haww. says:
hurr hurr
i'm a donkey. hee haww. says:
wait ar
r.o.t.t.e.n says:
i love gillian ang hui ting says:
i love gillian ang hui ting says:
r.o.t.t.e.n says:
whoppie.. ...
r.o.t.t.e.n says:
yes i'm loved...
r.o.t.t.e.n says:
r.o.t.t.e.n says:
i KNEW it...
r.o.t.t.e.n says:
i KNEW it...
i love gillian ang hui ting says:
r.o.t.t.e.n says:
i love gillian ang hui ting says:
and i know it makes u very happy right!
r.o.t.t.e.n says:
i love gillian ang hui ting says:
i love gillian ang hui ting says:
i'm ur wonder girlfriend
i love gillian ang hui ting says:
r.o.t.t.e.n says:
girfriend.... i've got a girl friend....
r.o.t.t.e.n says:
is that like a beearly present or something???
r.o.t.t.e.n says:
i love gillian ang hui ting says:
ho hum..
i love gillian ang hui ting says:
so i've got a girlfriend too
i love gillian ang hui ting says:
is that my early christmas prezzie
r.o.t.t.e.n says:
nope... it is like an extra present u give w/o reasons....
i love gillian ang hui ting says:
i love gillian ang hui ting says:
can i blog this conversation
i love gillian ang hui ting says:
coz it's so funny
i love gillian ang hui ting says:
r.o.t.t.e.n says:
thhis i so wunderful.. now i'm a STAr.. i'm staRRing in ur blog..
r.o.t.t.e.n says:
gillian (my autograph)
November 07, 2003
all my darlings out there, study hard k. (yeah, 'm only a preacher haa) i love you all. 20 more days to our well deserved bliss. and for those lucky bastards who end earlier, be kind souls..don't aggravate those who end later. ho hum.
aieee... my precious gems in my dull dull life, work harddd!!!!!
i shall *cough*try*cough* too haahaa.
November 06, 2003
November 05, 2003
so do check it out. Skype
i haven't tried it out yet but...i suppose anythin my bro downloads is pretty usable and handy la ya. i trust my brother. (=
ya i know msn can phone ur friends too but the thing is this is CLEARER and not laggy so yeah it's cool whoa. =)
November 04, 2003
Eb major - you are warm and kind, always there for
your friends, who are in turn there for you.
You are content with your confortable life and
what you are currently achieving; if you keep
in this state you will go far.
what key signature are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
E flat major. i can't even play tt properly on the piano lor. ok i'm exaggerating. maybe can play but take a super long time to figure out? difficult ar...THREE flats ley...haha. and i'm E flat major? maybe because i'm E flat major so i cannot play it on the piano la. haahaa. i'm bullshitting. wthhhh...........anyways, i miss those people whom i got into contact with..
1. my s-h-i-h-a-n
2. stupid c-e-l-e-s-t
3. aunty (ok la nt aunty) v-i-v-i-s
4. my "girlfriend" g-i-ll
5. t---ou--ch rugby peeps..miss their RAh rah-ness.
6. sec2 pals!! oh mannnn... nostalgia nostalgiaa... bleahh
7. sec4 pals!!! they rawk they rawk they rawkkk..
8. my GG darlings!! batch 1998-2001 onessss... oo la i love them love them love themmmmmm! miss those camping days, those days we whole day quarrel like fug, those times we roast chicken in the ground and savour them like barbarians, those tent pitching and melting in the sun days, those drilling days where we fight with SAJ-b for the shady part behind the technical block to drill..those days when we gotta fuggin get scolded by the dickhead scouts although IT IS NOT OUR FAULT! those days we teased pee won and we-ilo-ng (until now i still duno why la), those days aiya... just THOSE DAYS oh mannn.. i miss the guides haven..still remember the time we stayed in guides haven on a saturday and forgot about the time and ended up climbing out of the school gate! hell that was cow funny especially some of them didn't dare to climb coz they scared they fall. wah lau.. i love those times man!!!! oh ya!! still haVE!!! those competitions when B-p-G-h-s guides will WIN all !!! whoopiee! we always win!! especially sandwich making man we got all top three prizes hell whoaa! we're good fuckin hell we're good. oh i still remember the times you all pang seh me and i gotta teach the sec1s how to tie ropes and knots myself wthhhhhhh!! u all suck man suck big time! hurr.. ok la.. those times were fun i love you babes so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! muackss! oh yeah..we'll always be the fugged up batch with the fugged up attitude coz we're fugged up people with fugged up lives but we fucking enjoy each other's company haahaahaa...
9. my ge ge la!!!! me *heart* you sew much yay.
November 03, 2003
c-m: read ur friendster message. thx. you're a sweetie.
November 02, 2003
October 31, 2003
shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup shuddup
October 30, 2003
and then i suddenly remembered tt it's 31st october..
and then i suddenly remembered that 28th october is 3 days ago..
and then i suddenly remembered that i haven't wished aught happy birthday..
lousy memory!!! SHIT MAN!!!
/me slaps myself
happy (belated)birthday aught!!
Qqquen (pls not: name only has ONE Q) failed her promos and can't be promoted? she has to take subpaper. aie, she says she's "tired" and doesn't wanna take sub paper? i duno what to say to her? and she thinks she's a "disgrace to the team". mmmm... poor girl? she's been so encouraging but i duno how to comfort her? aie... i'm a lousy friend.
-woke up one hour late
+ate my bread with cheese
+drank my apple and aloe vera
+go online check mail
(12.00, shall go study)
the day has been going along as planned. no time wastage..
let's pray hard that it'll go smoothly forever.
11 days. got no time to lose.
October 29, 2003
i'm feeling bad.
i'm feeling no no no good.
i hear people uttering what's new
*glory cries*
i wish someone would accidently shoot me in a shoot out session.
BANG! one dead glory lying on the floor.. one dead glory lying on the floor and if one smart person shld accidently shoot, there'll be one dead glory, lying on the floor.
rights it goes according to the tune of "ten green bottles".
happy singing.
October 28, 2003
these people who critisized me for my behaviour and actions, saying that i'm not what i ought to be.
hell, just looking at all of ur friendster profiles, i really wanna tell you, "who are you to tell me what i ought to be and ought not to be?"
u said i'm worldly and what not,
aren't you all pretending as well? u guys listen to rock and pop and u guys drink and club and pool and smoke and everything else as well..
so why did u all pick on me?
to hell with all of u who made my life so miserable in sec2 and 3.
to hell with all of u.
i don't have to act.
i don't have to pretend.
i'm true to myself.
unlike you!
anyone willing to sponsor gl---ory's contact lens? mine is way beyond wearable condition. each time i put it on, i get red eyes and a freaking headache.
250buckeroos. that's all i need. i'll pay the rest myself!
aie.... my eyes were red today..but happily continued wearing my contact lens? still on now anyways. hahaa....
October 27, 2003
October 26, 2003
i've decided NOT to name my future daughter stephanie.
she shall be Kathleen.
sounds nice doesn't it//
aie, yes.
*glo--ry sam
*glo--ry chia
*glo--ry nistelrooy
*glo--ry galistan
haha. nice right... yummy..
rights,you're probably wondering why i included "--" in my name. It's to preserve my blogger from being found by people formally labelled by me as "people who [spoil] other people's fun of free speech".
Out of all the names above..which sounds the nicest? i think the first and the last is nice. does anyone know a blahblah sam or a blahblah galistan whom i can marry?
okayeeee...i'm jio-ing e--dward sam after A levels. e--dward, if you're reading this, watch out okaye hahahhaa.. gl---ory is coming to haunt u. Lols.
friendster is finally serving it's purpose. by far, i've found 5 primary school friends, people who have brought many happy memories to my childhood days.
i found ce-cilia wee, the girl who read sweet valley high and played with barbie dolls. it's ironic tt we cliqued cause the only books i ever read than were dark stories and famous five!
talking about Famous Five, i remember reading the entire series 3 times, along with The Secret Seven. ho ho ho. I always wanted to be like Georgina...better known as George. She was a tough and rugged girl who was so much stronger, both physically and mentally, than the guys. oo yes. i admired her like crazy. i still do by the way. heehee.
i wonder how my darling "girlfriend" g--illian is doing at her wedding dinner now. haha...the ever so "grungey"-lookin g----illian ang is going to be all clad in a white dress and white sandals. oh my...*faints*
ng ch--ongming has admitted tt he is a gigglo. ho hum. i cleverly tricked him into revealing the truth. the deep dark truth. ho hum.
end announcement
hahaha.. i was j/k la...goodness.
October 25, 2003
~EnJoYing LiFe Is JuSt LiKe EnJoYinG SpOrTs~ says:
hehe then can i date u out then?
fruitella munchkin says:
NO. u can't...
fruitella munchkin says:
my husband says no dating
~EnJoYing LiFe Is JuSt LiKe EnJoYinG SpOrTs~ says:
oh...what a husband of urs...
~EnJoYing LiFe Is JuSt LiKe EnJoYinG SpOrTs~ says:
cant even date his wife out for a meal or so...
fruitella munchkin says:
fruitella munchkin says:
he's a possesive husband u see
fruitella munchkin says:
and as a good wife,
fruitella munchkin says:
i must keep him company
i like getting to know people. yes. but i don't like the idea of going out with them.
so steer clear mannnn..
just take a look at this...
..iNduLgence.. (0:46 AM) :
wah so high!
i'm jealous
so how's ur prelim script?? all 100 percentile issit?
kianhong (0:48 AM) :
siao ...
all drop lar ..
kianhong (0:48 AM) :
last time maybe can ... nw ...
long past my prime
getting older
..iNduLgence.. (0:49 AM) :
so what's it now? 99th percentile?
kianhong (0:49 AM) :
nah ...
haha ... onli 1 got 99
..iNduLgence.. (0:49 AM) :
what subject?
then the rest ley?
kianhong (0:50 AM) :
maths lor
fm 94
gp 95
phy 96
chem 97