August 29, 2007
happy happy birthday shihannie! (warning: IMAGE HEAVVYYYYY)

hooters for dinner with the birthday girl
we all had a screaming session over dinner hehehe. food was terrible cause everything was drenched in oil oil and more oil.
aside from that we were fully entertained with 2 guys being stripped and made to wear tiny hooters singlets. damn funny. (i'll post the pics when i get them from lagging gillian) ryan was prolly the happiest among the quadruplet. butts and boobs and balls (i mean espn). TSK!!
aside from that we were fully entertained with 2 guys being stripped and made to wear tiny hooters singlets. damn funny. (i'll post the pics when i get them from lagging gillian) ryan was prolly the happiest among the quadruplet. butts and boobs and balls (i mean espn). TSK!!
Mhotel for cocktails and shots and very nice peenuts. then homey homey home.

miss chen i hope you enjoyed yourself thoroughly.
now i not only light up your life i light up your room as well.
hehehehhehehehe :P
on a sidenote, i need to re-introduce my friend the siao-por whom i finally met after she flew back from 12,000miles away. evidently being 12,000 miles away for 3 months didn't help her find her sanity.
and this is her one successful attempt at looking demure with her newly donned long hair. must i add that this shot was taken after she rolled into the sofa with her legs in the air, giggling at some of her 652 pictures in her camera. hehehehehe.
i've missed you gillian ang! LOL.
sugar high!

ryan finally gave in to my ben&jerry's cravings on monday. GLOWY 1, RYAN 0.
buahahahahahaha.... i told ryan if i ever break up with him i'll eat the monster tub all by myself.

oh! and this is me with a small bit of my $71.60 bargain of bedsheets from friven sale. i got bedsheets for the fams! $71.60 makes everyone in the family happy, so why not? (((:

ryan finally gave in to my ben&jerry's cravings on monday. GLOWY 1, RYAN 0.
buahahahahahaha.... i told ryan if i ever break up with him i'll eat the monster tub all by myself.
oh! and this is me with a small bit of my $71.60 bargain of bedsheets from friven sale. i got bedsheets for the fams! $71.60 makes everyone in the family happy, so why not? (((:
Daddy's birthday!

my dad turned a year older on monday. the fams headed out for dinner with the baby, who refused to eat her ikan bilis porridge and insisted on eating what we were eating. one word - greedy. one term - greedy baby. hahaha.
family affairs are always pleasant...noisy and full and life. i miss having my brother in the house. even though on most days he's just locked up in his room gaming, it brings comfort to know that i can sit outside his door and knocked forever screaming his name just to irritate him. i think it's entertaining. oh and food snatching business..the fastest eater wins. HEH HEH.
the whole family altogether now... say cheeeeeeeese! (once again, "look ma, no eyes!" sayeth the tan family + one NG)
August 27, 2007

finally headed out over the weekend for much needed shopping...and what did i do? spend $60 on a pair of SHORTS. i was probably insane, or possessed. SIXTY for a pair of SHORTS. then i decided i needed white tops to go with the shorts. so there goes money too. also spent money buying killer 4inch and 3.5inch heels which so gave me blisters so i bought new flipflops. but as ryan's friend, johny, says, "just spend! can always earn it back!"
i so love his motto but i'm sooooooo gonna eat grass for the next 3 weeks.

this is shihan in her 139dollar winterwear and me in her $5 top. i like. :D
to all my friends, please do not ask me out. i wanna stay home, eat grass and nurse my blisters.
anyhoos it's my dad + shihan's birthday today! happy happy birthday the both of you. ((: 2 of the greatest loves of my life!
August 24, 2007
nothing interesting lately cause i've been caged up like a zoo animal. went to the docs for a blood test ytd only to prove to the folks + bro that i'm not dying. that way, they'll let me head out to have some fun. but i'll have to wait another 2 days for results sucksssss.
with the new MIO up, i'm back to using my dearest old lousy comp in my room. no more dirty oily dusty korkor's room and now my webcam mates have a nicer backdrop to look at. :D
haiyer it's pouring outside, and the newest most happening thing - i have a cool new washine machine that makes hellllllll alot of beeeping noises for 5 minutes to inform you that the wash is almost done.
with the new MIO up, i'm back to using my dearest old lousy comp in my room. no more dirty oily dusty korkor's room and now my webcam mates have a nicer backdrop to look at. :D
haiyer it's pouring outside, and the newest most happening thing - i have a cool new washine machine that makes hellllllll alot of beeeping noises for 5 minutes to inform you that the wash is almost done.
August 23, 2007
August 22, 2007
goodbye starhub, hello mio. anybody wants to talk to meeeeeee i will call u if i'm at homeeeee. FREE OUTGOING CALLS hahaha.
blood test tomorrow! the doctor makes me sound like i'm dying! !@#%$@#!#
my brother owes me ben and jerry's if there's nothing wrong with me. YAY!
blood test tomorrow! the doctor makes me sound like i'm dying! !@#%$@#!#
my brother owes me ben and jerry's if there's nothing wrong with me. YAY!
August 20, 2007

dinner with ryan and shinnie at brewerkz that day (was it a saturday??). the couplet decided to squash me in between while the both of them discussed about soccer and how they used to climb out of bed in the middle of the night to "secretly" watch soccer while their parents were asleep. so whilst they were at it, i quietly stuffed mussels and sausages and sauteed mushrooms down my throat. *stares at belly in guilt*
August 19, 2007
August 18, 2007
my life is like how tragic. i've been stuck at home since monday because of my fever (which is in no hurry to leave me. how faithful and devoted! if only my boyfriend is like that!!!) i have also finished two penguins, one sidney sheldon, and one tony parsons which i picked out from the library on sunday. so now i am left with absolutely nothing to do. horror of horrors.
August 17, 2007
look ma, no eyebrows!

this is the only picture i've taken TOGETHER with ryan in the past 213456784524 weeks. and i miss ryanie so TA DAAAAA!!
let's see, me with no makeup = no eyes, no eyebrows, no eyelashes pale, spotty all over and ghostly....really fits the hungry ghost occasion. and since i don't have photoshop, just too bad for me la. boo hooo hooo. (i swear ryan stole all my eyebrows)
this is the only picture i've taken TOGETHER with ryan in the past 213456784524 weeks. and i miss ryanie so TA DAAAAA!!
let's see, me with no makeup = no eyes, no eyebrows, no eyelashes pale, spotty all over and ghostly....really fits the hungry ghost occasion. and since i don't have photoshop, just too bad for me la. boo hooo hooo. (i swear ryan stole all my eyebrows)
August 15, 2007
August 14, 2007
i feel so terrible i just want to sit in a corner sulk cry and throw tantrums like a little child. my back hurts my bones ache and i feel like throwing up. my mum made me drink ginseng and ryan made me drink another horrid bitter drink. this dreaded fever sucks. WAILSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
i concede! i'm not gonna fight anymore. i shall go eat some medicine. :(
i concede! i'm not gonna fight anymore. i shall go eat some medicine. :(
August 13, 2007
now that i have finished documenting my life on blogger i shall hit my pillows and curl under sheets to nurse this fever which has been bugging me for the past week. except today it has scaled to an even higher notch. it threatens to make my body explode from internal combustion. HAHAHahahahaHAahahaa.
i blame this surge of temperature on boredom. see, this days i can't stand being idle.
and this is my friend shihan whom i spent my early sunday with at borders. she made me wake up at 7.30am just to wait for her to wake up at 9+am. BITCCCCCCCH!!!!!!!!!
i'm convinced she's been hit by the crystal jade addiction as well. lunch date with xiaolongbao + wanton soup and her very spicy chilli oil thinggie.
backdate: sattieday

work on saturday afternoon put some $$$ into my pocket. yays!
then ryan + me headed down to tiongbahru (with intentions to eat porridge) BUT once again we ended up somewhere else for dimsum dimsem and dumplings dunplings. (spelling error intentional. reflects the menu ma)

ryan the crazy bugger ordered so many dishes. in addition to that above we also had wanton soup, prawn beancurd skin roll, guo tie and nai cha. and of course he also suffered the fate of finishing everything up himself cause i was content with wanton soup + har gao. hehehehee.
ryan is absolutely delighted with the place la because not only do they have nice food, they also offered soccer on EPL. *curses*
backdated: friday
yet again another joooook affair. tonnes of shuffling guys in caps and shades that cover more than half their face. seriously, shades in the dark? such fashion is beyond my limits. HOHO. and there was also this guy who was wearing what appeared to be a life vest.

post zouk was at newton circus after circling around what seemed like half of singapore, occasionally high-beaming the lovey dovey sinsap couple, and avoiding one road block. sambal fried rice, hokkien mee, stingray and cups of sugarcane took the growls in the tummy away.
Zouk aftermath... hahahahaha.. sad creatures.
yet again another joooook affair. tonnes of shuffling guys in caps and shades that cover more than half their face. seriously, shades in the dark? such fashion is beyond my limits. HOHO. and there was also this guy who was wearing what appeared to be a life vest.

post zouk was at newton circus after circling around what seemed like half of singapore, occasionally high-beaming the lovey dovey sinsap couple, and avoiding one road block. sambal fried rice, hokkien mee, stingray and cups of sugarcane took the growls in the tummy away.
Zouk aftermath... hahahahaha.. sad creatures.
backdate: FRIday

my supposed porridge affair landed me up in ikea. i don't know how or why but our feet just took us there. see la meatballs plus wings plus fish&chips, HOW NOT TO GET FAT?
all these years, i still simply cannot get enough of ikea (or it's meatballs). it's a sea of colors every corner you turn. like rainbows!
we grabbed ugly frog friend from the ikea sale and ryan got a row of colorful vases for $0.50 each. really pretttttttyyyyy!!!

i swear the place makes people high.

my supposed porridge affair landed me up in ikea. i don't know how or why but our feet just took us there. see la meatballs plus wings plus fish&chips, HOW NOT TO GET FAT?
all these years, i still simply cannot get enough of ikea (or it's meatballs). it's a sea of colors every corner you turn. like rainbows!
we grabbed ugly frog friend from the ikea sale and ryan got a row of colorful vases for $0.50 each. really pretttttttyyyyy!!!

i swear the place makes people high.

August 12, 2007
TOO TIRED TO POST!!!!!!!!!!!
quick summary:
*friday - ended up in ikea with big idiotic moron. zouk at night. welcome home yanbing. hello steve.
*satty - 2 hrs of sleep, off to work. happy valley cafe. i LOVE wanton soup (AGAIN). btw, what's with boys and soccer?
*sunday wee bits of the morning - HELLO MS ANG. welcome home! meet up soon! ur turn to cook for shihan and i!
ok ready to concuss. three, two, one! *VANISH*
quick summary:
*friday - ended up in ikea with big idiotic moron. zouk at night. welcome home yanbing. hello steve.
*satty - 2 hrs of sleep, off to work. happy valley cafe. i LOVE wanton soup (AGAIN). btw, what's with boys and soccer?
*sunday wee bits of the morning - HELLO MS ANG. welcome home! meet up soon! ur turn to cook for shihan and i!
ok ready to concuss. three, two, one! *VANISH*
August 10, 2007

it was the nation's birthday yesterday. i clothed myself in national colors and headed out with my dad to pick up my brother's family. the baby has grown so much! and she can now tell if something she does is right/wrong, judging from the tone in our voices.
caught the national day parade on tv before heading out to holland v for some muddy mudpie (yes for the third time) with shihan and pamela.
i thought the national day parade was splendid, as always. you see everyone out there putting up their best performance for the country. months and months of hard work. they all deserve a pat on zeee back..especially zeeee little ones and old folks.
birthday shoutouts to the following (8 + 9 august)
*damai - my deepest apologies for not being able to turn up for your birthday party. happy 22nd sweet 16. LOLOLOLOLOL
*jessie koh - happy 21st birthday ar woman...hope u're having fun even though u're 12,000km away. u fast fast fly back okay!
*jiawen (lim) - another year has passed! older wiser prettier and richer u've become. pls meet up more often...TO SHOP!
*singapura - happy birthday!! this is truly where i wanna be, with my friends and family.
bye me friends. i'm off to tiong bahru for porridge with my boy. i leave you all with my chicken dance pose.
i do chicken dancing professionally....REALLY!!
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