as of all other days, i couldn't get to sleep last night. you toss and turn and get so frustrated you simply climb out of bed instead. OR, you sleep for a good one to two hours and that's all you can muster. and then you spend the following day stumbling around and doing your stuff with only 50% effort. sucks, really.
my room looks like a junk yard with clothes unwashed, bed undone, empty bottles standing on my table, books files and newspapers, reader's digest lying on my bed with dog + cat ears. and i know it still looks v nice and neat to everyone else, but i guess it's just a matter of perspective isn't it? ha.
i'm heading out soon to study my ass off. i hope i get so exhausted that i tumble into bed and sleep like a log...the sort where i don't even have the energy to much less make a single twitch.
and this picture is so cute i just had to post it for laughs.

picture courtesy of lewis aka little ice cubes. (: