thank you all my loves and lovelies for the birthday wishes and greetings. chongming, shihan, gillian, elainey, apple, weili, stephie poh, vivis, weishanie, eun, quin, ezdi, celest, damai, nad, ade, xiaotao, paMEINUla, ongbuggy, lishi, +wen, tianghway, keatwee, xinying, jiawen, huiyee, doris, jessie, bin, chailee, guangrong, tianxin, siupz, teong ge, bryan, liu de lan, yongxian, stan, qiuwen, daniel, joleen, minghann, minyang, yang, and of cause family.
i had a smashing time on the sunday the 22nd as well. hugs shihan + gillian. hugs chongming even more! shall let the pictures do the talking.